Mark Mann's Shared Games

All games listed work well on computer. Some will work on tablet, ipad, and cell/mobile.
CLICK on game names below to play!
| Asteroids | Downhill Skier | Flatris | PingPong | Snake | Rotation Stats | PasStat16 | PasStat17 | Battle | Notes Database | Play 9 |
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This software was created by Mark D. Mann for the purpose of sharing sport/game simulations, and task collaboration software on the world wide web. Games developed here and available to the public here are: Downhill Skiier [research article was published discussing this software's development], Flatris, Snake, Asteroids, and table tennis (pong). Enjoy!

After playing any particular game, Hit the browser BACK button to come back to this index.

Recent Presentations by Dr. Mann

Presented at: Texas Health Informatics Alliance Annual Conference [presented 09/09/22]

Dr. Mann's 2022 Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Games were written/compiled by Mark Mann, Ph.D.
Thanks for programming help goes to: Alberto Corona and the Haskell Playground upon which many of these apps were built; Evan Czapliki, author of the Elm Programming Language; and James Moore, Elm Programmer and creater of KnowThen.Com, the best place to learn Functional Programming.